At last October is upon us.....
I have a crazy busy month, which is epic, which involves parties, poker and poker...cant be bad!!
Last Weekend i ventured to Sunny Weston Super Mare, with the better half (catch her blog at Laurens Blog, or her twitter at Laurens Twitter) for her friends 23rd birthday party, It was a "Glee" theme, so i just dusted out clothes from my own wardrobe and was labelled as "Puck", but it was cool to meet some of her friends from home, and have a weekend away from the drab life in Tewkesbury....
As you can see, i dont think she is too impressed with my Vocal performance!!!!
We have also released another Episode of our In The Muck Poker Podcast, and it seems to be going well. You can follow us on twitter and we hope to grow our followers as much as we can. So lets get the Social Media on teh go, as without your thoughts, we cannot grow to please our viewers.
Next Weekend, i will be off to Bristol for the Oxjam Poker/Live Music Festival, this should be an awesome day as not only will i get an afternoon of Poker, with old friends, but there are lots of free music AND its for CHARITY!! Get involved here
As if thats not action packed enough, we (as Team GNF) are off to the APAT UK Team Championships in Luton, to try and turn our 3rd place last year into a 1st and some shiney Gold Medals!!! Cant wait for another w/e away playin poker, so all will be very good there, and hope we can TID.
AND FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!
Myself and Rod "The God" Buckman (see above) are flying to Vienna for the Vienna Deluxe Challenge, which i qualified for on PCUK.
Rods Stats here
Well thats all for now as im off to follow my ITMPoker co-presenter Tom Piccirilli as he is at the Final Table of the EPT London £300 side event, 9 left and 12k up top.........this guy has had a sick 6 months and is a great player and deserves a title, even if its a side event!!!